Volume 9 1948~1951

Doc No.

No. 329 NAI TSCH/2/2/11

Extract from the minutes of a meeting of the Cabinet
'Partition, Trade and General Publicity Abroad and the Establishment of an Official News Agency'
(GC 5/94) (Item 4) (S14544)

Dublin, 20 May 1949

Following consideration of memoranda dated January, 1949,1 and the 20th May, 1949,2 submitted by the Minister for External Affairs, relative to partition, trade and general publicity abroad and the establishment of an Official News Agency, the proposals contained in the memoranda were approved generally, it being understood that the Minister's detailed proposals in the matters would be submitted to the Government, for definitive approval, in due course.3

1 See No. 224.

2 See No. 327. The document referred to in this minute as dated 20 May is misdated and refers to that of 18 May found at No. 327.

3 See No. 333.