Volume 9 1948~1951

Doc No.

No. 333 NAI TSCH/2/2/11

Extract from the minutes of a meeting of the Cabinet
'Irish News Agency: establishment of'
(GC 5/96) (Item 8) (S14544)

Dublin, 31 May 1949

On the recommendation of the Minister for External Affairs, it was decided that the Minister should be authorized

  1. to have a Bill drafted for the purpose of
    • establishing an Irish News Agency, to fulfil generally the objects outlined in the memorandum dated the 20th May, 1949, submitted by the Minister;1
    • enabling the Minister for Finance to hold shares in the Agency; and
    • authorizing the Minister for External Affairs, with the consent of the Minister for Finance, to nominate the Managing Director and the Directors of the Agency;
  2. if necessary, to have a Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association for the Irish News Agency drafted; and
  3. to arrange for the introduction in Dáil Éireann of a Supplementary Estimate for £25,000 in respect of the current financial year for the purpose of making a Grant-in-aid of that amount to the Irish News Agency.

1 See No. 327. The document referred to is in fact dated 18 May.