Volume 9 1948~1951

Doc No.

No. 564 NAI DFA/6/437/1/12

Letter from Seán MacBride to Cardinal Denis Dougherty1 (Philadelphia)

Dublin, 25 April 1951

Your Eminence,
I write to express to Your Eminence my humble and sincere thanks and deep appreciation for the great honour you bestowed upon me - as Ireland's representative - by so graciously receiving me on the occasion of my recent visit to Your Eminence's Archdiocese and City.

To me, a Catholic and an Irishman, it is an honour to be permitted to pay my respects and filial devotion to a Prince of the Church, but to have been granted the opportunity of meeting Your Eminence - one of the outstanding dignitaries of our Church and one who combines with his love and devotion to the Faith a love of the country from which his parents came - was an experience I shall remember and treasure always.

I also wish to thank Your Eminence for the signal honour you paid me in placing me at your side to enjoy the princely hospitality which Your Eminence provided at St. Patrick's Rectory, and for the opportunity thus afforded me of meeting so many distinguished members of the clergy and laity of Your Eminence's Archdiocese.

Please accept, Your Eminence, my sincere good wishes for your continued good health,

With sentiments of esteem and devotion,
I remain, Your Eminence,
Most humbly and sincerely yours,
Seán MacBride

1 Cardinal Denis Dougherty (1865-1951), Archbishop of Philadelphia (1981-51), created a cardinal in 1921.