Volume 9 1948~1951

Doc No.

No. 560 NAI DFA/10/P213

Letter from John A. Belton to Seán Nunan (Dublin)1

Bonn, 14 April 1951

Dear Seán,
I have been informed confidentially by the German Foreign Office that they propose to appoint Josef Hoven2 as Counsellor of the German Legation in Dublin on account of his knowledge of Ireland. The Foreign Office are, of course, well aware that it is not necessary to seek agrément for a Counsellor, but, nevertheless and in view of the fact that Mr. Hoven spent some years in Ireland before the war, they would not make the appointment without prior approval of the Department of External Affairs. They, accordingly, asked if they could be furnished with the Department's views as soon as possible.

Mr. Hoven's record in Ireland is, of course, well known to the Department and in the event that any objection to his appointment in Dublin were taken by the Department, the German Foreign Office are anxious that this should be regarded as a strictly 'off the record' enquiry. An urgent reply would be greatly appreciated.

Yours sincerely,
John A. Belton

30/6/51. Minister3 does not want Hoven here. Was engaged in activities inimical to our Govt. Mr. Belton informed personally by me at Dept. today. 2/7/51.

1 When Belton sent this letter to Nunan Seán MacBride was Minister for External Affairs. The document was stamped received in Iveagh House on 19 April. The Inter-Party Government was dissolved on 13 June. Frank Aiken was appointed Minister for External Affairs on 13 June and took the decision regarding the action required on this document on 30 June.

2 Joseph 'Jupp' Hoven was a key figure in Abwehr operations in Ireland prior to the Second World War.

3 This refers to Frank Aiken, Minister for External Affairs, June 1951 to June 1954.