Volume 9 1948~1951

Doc No.

No. 473 NAI DFA/5/305/134

Dearg code telegram from John J. Hearne to Frederick H. Boland (Dublin)
(No. 351)

Washington DC, 3 July 1950

My 350.1 Following for Secretary from Ambassador. Begins B[rennan] saw Mansfield this afternoon in connection with military aid programme. Mansfield said it would be most helpful to relationships here and would be appreciated by administration if messages such as mentioned in my 350 were sent and possibly it would have [group indecipherable] effect even greater than normal if it could be sent to-morrow Tuesday Independence Day. He said also that if message could be strong enough incorporate offer of token help even in most general terms committing us to nothing it would be of great advantage in increasing sympathy for us and in creating favourable atmosphere for Fogarty resolution. For most unlikely any tender of assistance would be accepted but suggestion is subject worthy of consideration.