Volume 9 1948~1951

Doc No.

No. 479 NAI DFA/5/305/134/1

Extract from a letter from Joseph D. Brennan to Conor Cruise O'Brien (Dublin)

Washington DC, 11 July 1950

[matter omitted]

In regard to the Korean situation, I heard today from a very good source which I cannot quote that the Administration expects to have things under control there within the next three weeks, then business will be as usual again.1 I gather that once the Administration get materials and men shipped in sufficient quantity to Korea - and that will take roughly three weeks, minimum - they expect to be able to stabilize the situation there fairly quickly. To that end I am told they are requisitioning civil airplanes to carry troops and material out.

1 Marginal notes: 'Mr Nunan. To see 'X'. I wonder. CCOB'. 'Mr O'Brien: How right you were in wondering! SN'. The extract above has been marked by O'Brien with an 'X' in the original.