Volume 9 1948~1951

Doc No.

No. 476 NAI TSCH/2/2/11

Extract from the minutes of a meeting of the Cabinet
'Fisheries of the River Foyle'
(GC 5/189) (Item 1) (S14414)

Dublin, 4 July 1950

Following consideration of a memorandum dated the 28th June, 1950,1 submitted by the Taoiseach, relative to the Fisheries of the River Foyle, approval was given to the proposals set out in the memorandum and in the enclosure thereto, subject to the following amendments of the proposals set out in the enclosure:-

  1. the deletion of the words 'High Court' in the second-last line of paragraph (1)
  2. the substitution of the following for paragraph (4):-
    '(4) The new Authority shall have joint Headquarters in Strabane and Lifford, although it is recognised that, for practical purposes, the bulk of the administrative work will be conducted from Strabane';


  1. the substitution of the following for the text of the announcement quoted in paragraph (10):-

    'With the object of evolving a scheme for the improvement of the salmon stocks and the general regulation of fishing throughout the entire area of the Foyle watershed, agreement has now been reached which provides for the acquisition, on behalf of the public, by the Government and the Government of Northern Ireland of all fishing rights in the tidal waters of the Foyle at present held by the Honourable The Irish Society. It is proposed to set up a new joint Authority with responsibility for the regulation and conservation of fisheries within that watershed. The necessary legislation will be introduced in due course';

and to the additional conditions

  1. that the Honourable The Irish Society shall indemnify both Governments against any possible claim from the Society's lessees, the Foyle and Bann Fishery Company; and
  2. that the parallel legislation will provide that the two Governments shall take an indefeasible title in the fishery which is being acquired.