Volume 9 1948~1951

Doc No.

No. 229 NAI TSCH/3/S3635

Handwritten minute by Maurice Moynihan to Nicholas G. Nolan (Dublin)

Dublin, 10 January 1949

Runaí Cúnta,
I submitted to the Taoiseach today, for his approval, the attached minute which I had prepared for issue to the Department of External Affairs.1 He instructed me not to issue the minute.

The Taoiseach said that he had already explained orally to the Minister for External Affairs the reasons for his decision not to admit the item to the Agenda. He added that the submission of the memorandum by the Minister for External Affairs was due to unusual circumstances. The general question involved had been discussed at Government meetings and it had been understood that any Minister who had suggestions to offer for the solution of the problem would communicate his suggestions to the Government.

I drew the Taoiseach's particular attention to the requirement in paragraph 1 of the Cabinet Procedure Instructions (General) that every item for the agenda should be the subject of a memorandum from the responsible Minister. He said that this was a proper and necessary rule and should be enforced.

The Taoiseach confirmed his previous decision that this matter should not be admitted to the Agenda on the submission of the 6th inst. from the M/E.A. 10/1/49