Volume 9 1948~1951

Doc No.

No. 344 NAI DFA/6/419/1/20 I

Memorandum by the Department of External Affairs
'Relief of Refugees in Palestine'

Dublin, 21 June 1949

  1. Early in December, 1948, the Irish Government received, through the Honorary Consul General of Ireland at Beyrouth, an appeal from the Catholic Committee for Relief in Palestine (Comité Catholique de Secours pour la Palestine) for assistance in the Committee's work of relieving the present plight of refugees in Palestine.1 The President of the Committee, which has its head-quarters at the Latin Patriarchate at Jerusalem, is His Excellency the Apostolic Delegate at Jerusalem. The Vice-President is Father Eugene Hoade, O.F.M.
  2. After discussion of the matter, through the Nunciature at Beyrouth, Monsignor MacMahon and Father Hoade, arrangements were made to send the Catholic Committee, for delivery at Beyrouth, 250 tons of flake oatmeal for distribution through its relief services. The Irish Government were advised, in connection with their relief effort in Europe after the cessation of hostilities, that oatmeal is one of the most valuable foods for emergency relief purposes owing to its high nutritional value.
  3. The 250 tons of oatmeal arrived at Beyrouth on the 27th May. Subsequent to its arrival, the Catholic Committee advised the Irish Government that the cost of distribution to the relief centres would impose a burden on the Committee's funds which, in view of the many other calls upon them, they would be unable to bear. In response to this further appeal, arrangements have been made to place a sum of £1,200 at the disposal of the Catholic Committee to cover the cost of distribution of the oatmeal. This sum, added to the c.i.f. value of the 250 tons of oatmeal delivered at Beyrouth, viz., £11,013, makes a total contribution by the Irish Government to the relief work carried on by the Catholic Committee of £12,213.
  4. In addition to the foregoing contribution, the Irish Government made a contribution of 200 tons of potatoes for the relief of Palestine refugees in response to an appeal by Prince Bernadotte in May, 1948.2 The cost of this relief consignment, which arrived at Beyrouth on the 3rd December, 1948, and was distributed at once, was £3,421. The Irish Government also made a contribution of 250 tons of flake oatmeal in response to the appeal launched by the United Nations in accordance with the General Assembly's Resolution of the 19th November, 1948. The cost of this consignment, delivered at Beyrouth, was £11,013. Up to date, therefore, the Irish Government's contributions to the relief of refugees in Palestine amount in value to £26,647.

1 See No. 205.

2 See Nos 117 and 213.