Volume 9 1948~1951

Doc No.

No. 288 NAI DFA/5/305/14/22

Letter from Sheila G. Murphy to Matthew Murphy (Buenos Aires)

Dublin, 5 March 1949

With reference to your minute 8/2 of the 24th December regarding Anti-Partition propaganda in the Argentine,1 I am to state that, as far as this Department is aware, there is no reason for doubting the bona fide of Mr. W. Sassen on the question of publicity about Ireland. The Department of Justice is of the opinion that if Mr. Sassen and his group can be helpful to Ireland they will do their best.

Mr. Sassen came to Ireland as a political refugee in May, 1947, and remained until September, 1948, when he left for Buenos Aires on a Department of Justice certificate of identity as a stateless alien. It appears that he fought during the war against the Russians in some kind of Dutch 'blue' division! He is a strong anti-Communist.

[stamped] S.G. Murphy