Volume 9 1948~1951

Doc No.

No. 264 NAI DFA/5/305/81 I

Letter from Seán Nunan to Frederick H. Boland (Dublin)

Washington DC, 8 February 1949

I beg to report that Mr. Eliahu Epstein,1 Representative of the State of Israel in Washington, called on me on the 1st instant to request that I communicate with you regarding the formal request for recognition of the State of Israel and the exchange of representatives made to you some time ago by the Israel Government.2

Mr. Epstein said that his Government were very desirous of obtaining recognition from Ireland on sentimental as well as on economic grounds; that they had studied the history of our fight for freedom and had profited greatly thereby in shaping their own fight.

Seán Nunan

1 Eliahu Elath, born Epstein (1903-90), Ambassador of Israel to the United States of America (1948-50).

2 See No. 68.