Volume 9 1948~1951

Doc No.

No. 276 NAI DFA Paris Embassy 105/29

Letter from Seán Murphy to Frederick H. Boland (Dublin)

Paris, 12 February 1949

I have the honour to inform you that I had an interview yesterday afternoon with the Foreign Minister, M. Schuman and handed him a copy of the Aide-Mémoire on the Atlantic Security Pact. I also emphasised the points set out in your letter of 7th February.1 M. Schuman was grateful to be kept informed and said he appreciated the difficulty and delicacy of the situation. He was very interested to hear that our attitude on the proposed Council of Europe was sympathetic and said it showed the wisdom of excluding the discussion of military measures from the competence of the Council. M. Schuman was looking forward to his meeting with Mr. MacBride next week.