Volume 9 1948~1951

Doc No.

No. 361 NAI TSCH/3/S14205

Letter from James J. McElligott to Frederick H. Boland (Dublin)

Dublin, 30 August 1949

I am directed by the Minister for Finance, to refer to your minute (No. P.135), of 16th August,1 1949, regarding the loan of $20,000 made to a representative of the Soviet Government in 1920 on the security of certain jewels. I am to say, in reply, that, provided the delay involved will not be considerable, the Soviet Government should be asked to repay the loan in U.S. dollars which should be paid to the National City Bank of New York for credit of the No. 2 Account of the Bank of Ireland in its books.2

1 See No. 355.

2 On the 13 September 1949 G.N. Zaroubin, the Soviet Ambassador to the United Kingdom, called on the Irish High Commissioner in London and handed him a cheque on the Moscow Narodny Bank, Finsbury Circus, London, for $20,000, in repayment of the 1920 loan.