Volume 9 1948~1951

Doc No.

No. 374 NAI FA/10/P171

Letter from Hugh McCann to Frederick H. Boland (Dublin)
(Confidential) (Copy)

Washington DC, 22 September 1949

With reference to my minute of September 16th1 in which I ventured the personal opinion that we might receive some of our aid in the form of grant this year, I would now venture a little further and say that unless we receive a new blow from the State Department we may receive a minimum of 25% of our aid in the form of grant. This is still only a personal opinion and is based mainly on my judgment of the present atmosphere in ECA on the question and also on the reaction of officials to my recent informal propaganda on the subject.

Are we correct in assuming that the Department still wishes us to do whatever seems possible with a view to securing part of our aid in the form of grant?

(Signed) Hugh McCann
for Minister.

1 Not printed.