Volume 9 1948~1951

Doc No.

No. 393 NAI DFA/5/304/26/3

Letter from Seán MacBride to Joseph P. Walshe (Holy See)

Dublin, 26 November 1949

Dear Joe,
I have written personal notes1 to Schuman, Van Zeeland and Gruber, informing them that I am going to Rome for the opening of the Holy Door on December 24th, and suggesting that they might consider going too. I know these three Foreign Ministers sufficiently well to be able to write to them on a personal basis. In addition, I am instructing our Legations at Lisbon, Madrid, Buenos Aires and Berne, and our Honorary Consul in Beyrouth to inform their respective Foreign Ministers of the countries to which they are accredited, of our plans in the matter. Copy of these instructions are enclosed herewith.2 I do not know whether these démarches will have the desired result, but I thought it as well to at least ensure that the matter was brought up for consideration. I will keep you informed of any replies we receive.

To-day I informed the Nuncio of the steps I have taken and I think he was very pleased. You may make such use of this as you deem advisable.

As regards the United States, I am making no official démarche, but am sending a copy of the enclosed instructions to our Minister for his information and suggesting that, to two unofficial contacts such as Ed. Flynn and John McCormack, he should suggest that the President might consider sending one of the members of the United States Government such as Maurice Tobin3 to represent him personally. I may also write personal notes to some friends who are close to the White House in the same strain.

In haste,
Yours very sincerely,
Minister for External Affairs

1 Not printed.

2 Not printed.

3 Maurice Tobin (1901-53), United States Secretary of Labour (1948-53).