Volume 9 1948~1951

Doc No.

No. 353 NAI DFA/10/P126/1

Extracts from a letter from Seán MacBride to Joseph P. Walshe (Holy See)

Dublin, 6 August 1949

Dear Joe,
With reference to the Note Verbale. I handed to day a copy of it to Monsignore Paro, who will, of course, forward it to the Vatican.1

[matter omitted]

Since Fred and I discussed the position with you in Paris, we have both drafted and re-drafted the Memorandum, a number of times. A final version, embodied in the Note Verbale, was shown by me to the Archbishop, who suggested one or two changes, which I incorporated. The Archbishop, who had been most friendly and helpful in the matter, and with whom I discussed the position fully last Wednesday, seemed to think that the matter should now be dealt with urgently. He mentioned that he had received a letter the day before which worried him and made him feel that we should act rapidly. He did not disclose either the source or the nature of the information he had received, but appeared worried.

[matter omitted]