Volume 9 1948~1951

Doc No.

No. 385 NAI DFA/5/317/45

Letter from Seán MacBride to Philip Sayers (Dublin)

Dublin, 21 October 1949

Dear Mr. Sayers,
Mr. Boland has given me an account of your conversation with him yesterday.

Particularly with a view to developing the possibilities of trade between Israel and Ireland, I think the appointment of an Honorary Consular Representative of Israel here would be definitely useful. The choice of the representative would, of course, be entirely a matter for the Israeli authorities, but, if the choice did happen to fall on Mr. Herman Good,1 whom I have known for many years, it would be entirely agreeable to the Irish Government.

Yours sincerely,
[signed] S. MacB.

1 Herman Good (1906-81), Solicitor, District Court Judge (1967-76). Good was ultimately not appointed.