Volume 9 1948~1951

Doc No.

No. 395 NAI DFA/5/304/26/3

Letter from Seán MacBride to Seán Nunan (Washington DC)

Dublin, 27 November 1949

Dear Seán,
I enclose herewith copy of instructions which have been sent to a number of our Missions. I have, in addition, written personal letters to the Foreign Ministers of France, Belgium and Austria, whom I know fairly well personally.

Having given the matter a good deal of thought, I decided not to ask you to approach the State Department in connection with the subject matter. Instead, if the opportunity occurs, I would like you to suggest, through some of our friends in the Democratic Party and close to the White House that it would be a nice gesture if the President commissioned specially a member of his Government, such as Maurice Tobin, to represent him at the opening ceremonies of the Holy Year on December 24th.

I have a feeling that the State Department will automatically be opposed to such a suggestion, but that the White House may be favourable and appreciate our suggestions in the matter. I would suggest that, if possible, you should see Maurice Tobin, Ed. Flynn, John McCormack and Howard McGrath.1 But these are only suggestions.

I enclose herewith copy of a personal letter which I have written to George Garrett on the same subject.2 While this letter is personal and unofficial, he will, I feel certain, take steps to have it conveyed to the White House.

You might also consider the possibility of establishing direct contact with Cardinal Spellman, or of asking Garth3 to see him to inform him of our initiative in the matter and to consult with him as to what other steps, if any, could be taken in the matter. Please let me know what reactions you receive to any steps taken.

Yours sincerely,

1 J. Howard McGrath (1903-66), United States Attorney General (1949-52).

2 See No. 396.

3 Matthew Garth Healy, Irish Consul General, New York (1947-54).