Volume 9 1948~1951

Doc No.

No. 322 NAI DFA/5/305/14/36

Letter from Seán MacBride to Seán Nunan (Washington DC)

Dublin, 11 May 1949

My dear Seán,
On arrival in London I first learned of the new measure which the British Government has introduced to reinforce partition and to guarantee the 'territorial integrity' of the area which she forcibly cut away, against the wishes of the Irish people. It is quite obvious that the British Government felt quite secure in taking this action and believed that they would have the full support of the American administration; indeed, they claim this freely in London. It was, of course, a completely unnecessary step, as partition is already on the British Statute Book. In Ireland, this measure can only be regarded as deliberately provocative and intended to re-assert Britain's claim to interfere in our affairs. It is likely to have grave consequences internally, and also on the development of Anglo-Irish relationship. Nothing could have been more calculated to provoke trouble and mischief than this last gratuitous step.

That the new British Bill purports to declare and confirm the 'territorial integrity of Northern Ireland' is regarded here as a definite attempt to bring the moral sanction of the Atlantic Pact to bear against us. The attitude will be that partition is now guaranteed by the United States. I doubt whether the United States administration was consulted on the matter, or gave its approval to it; but, no doubt, this step was influenced by the feeling that the United States administration would stand for anything that London did in dealing with Ireland.

However, be that as it may, we have to deal with the situation as it now is, and fight hard. As already expressed the effect here has been to unify the people more closely together, and there is growing rapidly a feeling of enthusiasm, rather somewhat akin to that which prevailed before the Civil War. That has been the immediate reaction of the British move. Had they desired to create enthusiasm and unity in Ireland they could not have helped us more. A huge demonstration is to be held on Friday night at which the Taoiseach, de Valera, Norton, Aiken and myself are speaking.1 Feeling is running high and Anti-partition activity is beginning to increase.

In the situation the American position looms very large and it will be essential to step-up activity accordingly. I doubt whether the British action will be helpful to the American administration. The unnecessary enactment, so soon following upon the signing of the Atlantic Pact, of legislation purporting to guarantee 'the territorial integrity of Northern Ireland' should be a cause of embarrassment to Britain if sufficient publicity is focussed on this point.

I would suggest that the following steps be taken:

  1. Contact all friends with whom we have already discussed the position, in particular those whom I met at your place, and inform them of the new developments, suggesting that they take action in relation to it.
  2. Circulate copies of publicity material sent from here to Consuls, Principal Irish Societies, League for an Undivided Ireland and all Irish American papers.
  3. Suggest to League issue of a further circular on the lines of enclosed draft. This draft could form the basis of general publicity for Irish American Organisations.
  4. Action to secure publicity in American press for our view point. Direct personal contact with column writers should be established and maintained and they should be constantly fed with material.
  5. In this situation it will become imperative to issue an information bulletin and I propose to get down to plans about this in the next week or two. In the meanwhile make arrangements to have duplicated or printed and circulated all official statements, speeches etc., supplied by the Department. This will entail additional expense but it will have to be undertaken. Pending the issue of an Official Bulletin from here you could have a standard title head block prepared headed 'IRISH INFORMATION BULLETIN' ('issued by the Department of External Affairs'). Not too much material should be included in each bulletin. I would suggest that each should contain not more than two or three foolscap pages; the aim should be to issue these frequently and not to make any of them too voluminous. For a start you could issue in the bulletins at once the views, statements and speeches which I made since my return, statements made by the Ministers of the Government and by Mr. de Valera; so as not to have them appearing stale, no date need be given. These should provide material sufficient for half a dozen bulletins and the aim should be to get some out every two or three days at the moment.

    These should be circulated to;-

    • all Congressmen and Senators.
    • all Irish American Societies throughout the States.
    • leading Irish personalities such as
      Jim O'Brien2
      Jim Cleary
      Ed. Flynn
      Jim Farley
      Joe Scott3
      Roger Flaherty4
      Seán Keating5
      Paul O'Dwyer6
      Tom Buckley7
      Michael Francis Doyle8
      Charlie Rice9
      Dick Dalton10
      Con Neenan
    • principal newspapers and especially to individual column writers.
    • all Irish American Papers.
    • a supply to each consul for local distribution.
    • copies to the Department.

The first task will be to compile a full mailing list. On account of clerical difficulties in the Legation arrangements could best be made with some outside firm to get the matter duplicated or printed and to have the envelopes addressed, if necessary, additional clerical help should be procured at the Legation.

Care will have to be exercised in the matter which is to be included. It should as far as possible be confined to speeches, statements and interviews given by members of the Government or by leaders of the Opposition.

The foregoing are merely preliminary directions concerning the steps which will have to be taken. It will be necessary to impress on the League and on our friends the urgency of the situation which the British Government has created. You and the boys in the Legation may think of additional steps that could usefully be taken. Use your own initiative and good sense.

The addition of Kennedy,11 Hayden12 and two Civil Servants from the Department of Finance to the Legation staff should relieve the pressure of work on routine matters so as to leave Hugh13 and Joe14 greater freedom to concentrate on policy matters. I am sorry to be adding on all this work but I am sure that you will understand that the situation is such as requires intensive and decisive action.

With very best wishes and renewed thanks.
Yours very sincerely,
(Signed) Seán MacBride

1 At a mass meeting held on O'Connell Street, Dublin, on the evening of Friday 13 May 1949 the leaders of the main political parties in Ireland - Costello, MacBride, Norton and de Valera - jointly spoke in protest against the clause in the British Ireland Bill guaranteeing the constitutional position of Northern Ireland within the United Kingdom.

2 Jim O'Brien (1902-68), former Professor of French, Fordham University, New York; entered New York politics in 1946 and served under four city Mayors as Chief of Protocol and Deputy Commissioner of Commerce and Public Events for New York; a member of the American League for an Undivided Ireland.

3 President of the American League for an Undivided Ireland.

4 Roger Flaherty, Vice-President, American Irish Historical Society.

5 Seán Keating (1903-76), active in the Cork IRA, emigrated to the United States in 1927 where he rose to become Regional Director of Postal Services, New York. Chairman of the Executive Council of the Irish Race Convention (1947).

6 Paul [O'] Dwyer (1907-98), Mayo-born New York lawyer.

7 Tom Buckley of the American League for an Undivided Ireland; see also No. 490.

8 Michael Francis Doyle, Philadelphia lawyer and American counsel for the Irish Republican movement.

9 Charles C. Rice, Monaghan-born New York lawyer, National Vice-President and Treasurer of the American League for an Undivided Ireland.

10 Richard F. Dalton, active in the Cork IRA (1919-23), of the American League for an Undivided Ireland.

11 Eamonn Kennedy.

12 Seán O'hÉideáin.

13 Hugh McCann.

14 Joseph D. Brennan.