Volume 9 1948~1951

Doc No.

No. 364 NAI DFA/6/408/191/1

Letter from Seán MacBride to John J. Hearne (Ottawa)

Dublin, 7 September 1949

My dear John,
I had meant to write to you a personal note before the departure of the delegation, invited by the Canadian Institute of International Affairs but, between everything, my life is very crowded and complicated these days.

If possible, I would be glad if you could manage some press interviews in Canada for Mr. Brendan Corish, T.D., Parliamentary Secretary, and also for Senator Hayes.1 Corish is a promising young labour leader whom, I think, will create a good impression. I told him to keep in touch with you and that you would give him any assistance he might require.

Corish is flying back straight from Canada, but the other members of the delegation are going to New York when the Conference finishes. On account of the difficult position in New York with the different Irish Societies, I have not planned any specific activities for them in New York. As you know, my efforts have been directed to unifying all the different groups in the United States, and, accordingly, I have to act very cautiously. I am, however, writing to Seán,2 explaining the position fully to him and asking him to use his own discretion. He will, no doubt, keep you informed of any plans he makes.

The situation here on the whole is very good. As you have probably gathered, I have been very busy trying to build up the Department so as to be in a position to extend our activities. We are still terribly short of staffs and I have not yet completed the reorganisation of the Department itself. I hope, however, that by the end of the year the Political Division and the Information Division will be functioning and of some concrete assistance. I hope, too, that I will, by then, have received sanction from the Dáil for the News Agency, which, I think, will be of material assistance.

Please forgive me for not writing more often and more fully on the position at home; until the Department is fully reorganised a very large portion of work falls on my shoulders and I have very little time. This does not prevent me, however, from appreciating the work which you have been doing under difficult circumstances.

With very best wishes,
Yours sincerely,
Minister for External Affairs

1 Michael Hayes (1889-1976), Ceann Comhairle of Dáil Éireann (1922-32), Senator (1938-65).

2 Seán Nunan.