Volume 9 1948~1951

Doc No.

No. 262 NAI DFA/5/317/98

Letter from Frederick H. Boland to Maurice Moynihan (Dublin)

Dublin, 8 February 1949

Dear Maurice,
I have your letter (S.14461) of the 12th January,1 on the subject of our recent announcement about the establishment of direct diplomatic relations between Ireland and India.

The announcement in question2 was issued after a conversation between our Minister and the High Commissioner of India in London, in the course of which it was made clear, on our side, that we could not undertake any commitment in present circumstances, to establish a Legation in New Delhi, and, on the Indian side, that they, too, have no intention of accrediting a separate representative here in present circumstances, but that they would like, after the entry into force of the Republic of Ireland Act, to accredit their High Commissioner in London jointly to this country in the capacity of Minister Plenipotentiary. Mr. Krishna Menon, the Indian High Commissioner, indicated that it was possible, but by no means certain, that, if he were jointly accredited in this way, his Government might establish a separate Chancery in Dublin under a diplomatic official of junior rank.

The Press announcement to which you refer was issued following this conversation and its terms were adopted at the specific request of Mr. Krishna Menon, who was anxious that it should follow as closely as possible the text of the announcements made on the establishment of direct diplomatic relations between India and other countries.

It will be clear from what I have said, however, that we are not committed to the establishment of a new diplomatic mission abroad and that the position in that regard was made clear to the Indian representative. My Minister would certainly consult the Government in advance before entering into any such commitment.

Yours sincerely,
(Sgd.) F.H.B.

1 See No. 231.

2 Not printed.