Volume 9 1948~1951

Doc No.

No. 279 NAI DFA/5/305/14/22

Letter from Frederick H. Boland to John W. Dulanty (London)

Dublin, 23 February 1949

With reference to your minute of the 30th January1 and previous correspondence regarding an advertisement for 'Orange Terror' which appeared in a Dutch Catholic Weekly I am to state that the translation in question is almost certainly one which was made by a Mr. W. Sassen, a native of Holland who, having spent some time in Ireland, is now in the Argentine. Mr. Sassen is one of a group of political refugees who came to Ireland in 1947. He went to the Argentine in October, 1948 and has been in touch with the Chargé d'Affaires in Buenos Aires with a view to writing a series of articles on Ireland and Partition in particular. We have at present no direct information regarding the 'Free Ireland' Committee in Amsterdam but it is more than likely that Mr. Sassen and his associates are concerned with it.

It appears that Sassen - as a strong anti-Communist - fought against the Russians during the war in some kind of Dutch 'Blue' division. He made a favourable impression during his stay in Ireland and is now, it seems, trying to repay our hospitality.

1 Not printed.