Volume 9 1948~1951

Doc No.

No. 345 NAI DFA/10/P12/14(3)

Confidential report from John W. Dulanty to Frederick H. Boland (Dublin)
(Secret Report No.28)

London, 23 June 1949

A few days ago I mentioned over the telephone that the Lord Chamberlain's Office here had raised with me a question of the procedure to be followed at the Garden Party at Buckingham Palace on 7th July next.1

As you may know, a part of the proceedings at these Parties is that immediately prior to a few special presentations of visitors from overseas, the members of the Diplomatic Corps pass in single file before the King and Queen and the High Commissioners similarly pass next after them. (This passing consists of a fairly quick hand-shake since there is not time for conversation).

The Lord Chamberlain's people inquired whether they should put me in the Ambassadors' group or in that of the High Commissioners. I thought I should be put in the former, since the latter group, I suggested, did not seem to be the appropriate place for a representative of the Republic of Ireland. To this they immediately agreed.

1 Marginal note by Boland: 'Informed M. F.B. 7/7'.