Volume 9 1948~1951

Doc No.

No. 317 NAI DFA/5/305/14/36

Circular from the Department of External Affairs to Irish legations at Washington DC and Canberra

Dublin, 7 May 1949

Immediately following telegram contains text of Aide Mémoire delivered to British today1 and resolution proposed to Dáil for adoption on Tuesday.2 Aide Mémoire is not repeat not public but please convey attitude of Government as disclosed by it to all useful friends. Government consider British measure to be provocative and not unconnected with Atlantic Pact territorial integrity guarantee. Publicly expressed protests of friends would be helpful. Secure maximum publicity on resentment felt here against new British measure. Inform Ed. Flynn, Farley3 and such others as you think fit. Repeat to Consuls.4

1 See No. 314.

2 See No. 316.

3 James A. (Jim) Farley (1888-1976), former Post Master General of the United States (1933-40), Chairman of the Democratic National Committee (1932-40), influential Irish-American Democrat politician, Chairman of the Coca-Cola Export Corporation board (1940-73) and a strong supporter of Harry Truman.

4 Final two sentences not sent to Canberra.