Volume 9 1948~1951

Doc No.

No. 340 NAI TSCH/2/2/11

Extract from the minutes of a meeting of the Cabinet
'Expenses incurred in connection with belligerent aircraft and material during the period of hostilities, 1939-45'
(GC 5/98) (Item 6) (S14546)

Dublin, 7 June 1949

Following consideration of a memorandum dated the 30th May, 1949,1submitted by the Minister for Defence, approval was given to the proposals of the Minister

  1. that he should not present, to the British and American Governments, claims totalling £8,329, approximately, in respect of expenses, incurred by the State, arising from the salvage, repair and servicing of aircraft of the British and American Forces which were forced down in this country during the period of hostilities, 1939-1945;
  2. that he should not present claims to the British Government and to the Governments of the other belligerent countries concerned in respect of expenses incurred in connection with material belonging to those countries which was washed ashore in this country; and
  3. that he should discharge an account for £900, submitted by the British Air Ministry, in respect of transport equipment supplied to the Air Corps for aircraft-salvage purposes.

1 Not printed.