Volume 9 1948~1951

Doc No.

No. 36 NAI DFA/10/P140

Dearg code telegram from Joseph P. Walshe to Frederick H. Boland (Dublin)
(No. 29)

Holy See, 7 April 1948

Your 43.1 For Minister. Thanks for your telegram. The appeal was telegraphed last night Tuesday by Medical Adviser to all the Irish Bishops except Dublin and Armagh. Special telegram and letter sent to each of latter for support.

Your telegram 392 and your telegram 423 actually reduces weekly allotment sums your telegram 41 viz., £100 notes (10/-) Assistant Perhaps you could ask Nuncio.

I am maintaining daily contact with Assistant and so far secured immediate transfers to Medical Adviser, but absolutely essential I should be informed all instalments paid through Nuncio otherwise transmission might be delayed and probably given as gifts to hospitals without immediately revealing sources. Had such an experience in relation to Irish relief for Italy until I spoke to Doctor himself about it. The Medical Adviser thinks some improvement in South but fears some last moment Communist move to win ignorant peasants. Certain nervousness created by discovery of considerable number of arms dumps but State force considered adequate and ready to defeat any pre-election coup.

1 Not printed.

2 See No. 28.

3 Not printed.