Volume 9 1948~1951

Doc No.

No. 135 NAI DFA/6/408/191

Dearg code telegram from Seán MacBride to John A. Costello (Ottawa)
(No. 90)

Dublin, 11 September 1948

Rugby today informed me that it had been decided not to invite us to Commonwealth meeting in London. His Government directed him to inform Irish Government 'We have warmly welcomed favourable development of feeling in recent months. We think that publicity about Éire's participation in Commonwealth Meeting could only set back the progress made. We shall hope to concert what should be said in Parliament or in the Dáil if question should be asked. As regards publicity which we are anxious to minimise we propose to answer with a simple negative any enquiries whether Éire is coming or has been invited to the meeting, referring if necessary to the fact that she has not been represented at such meetings during and since the war.' I agreed with request to act in concert with British Government as to any public statements as to whether we had been invited or not.