Volume 9 1948~1951

Doc No.

No. 90 NAI TSCH/3/S14106C

Dearg code telegram from the Irish Legation, Washington DC to Frederick H. Boland (Dublin)
(No. 235)

Washington DC, 26 June 1948

Saw Bissell to-day Friday. He said that while amount of aid allocated to individual countries for their quarter would not be made known for about 10 days, in view of Minister's forthcoming presentation to Bilateral and stoppage pool of dollars he would give us tentative figure to-morrow Saturday. This figure will be confidential for Minister's information. Then saw Hoffman and Taylor. They said that in view of developments regarding sterling pool they had referred the question of grant or loan back to National Advisory Council for reconsideration of previous decision. After reconsideration National Advisory Council returned recommendation unchanged i.e. our aid third quarter is by way of loan.