Volume 9 1948~1951

Doc No.

No. 77 NAI DFA/5/305/57/66

Dearg code telegram from Frederick H. Boland to the Irish Legation, Washington DC
(No. 220)

Dublin, 15 June 1948

Please convey following as soon as possible but with necessary discretion to Consul General in New York.1

'Minister anxious that you should contact any Congressmen or Senators you know and ask them to make representations to State Department and ECA in favour of grant. Matter is urgent as allocation is likely to be made for next quarter within the next few days. Minister also anxious that you should contact Con Neenan2 and ask him to assist in having this issue raised'.

1 Matthew Garth Healy (1893-1954).

2 Cornelius 'Connie' Neenan (1892-1979), Irish republican activist, former Secretary of Clann na Gael and former representative of the IRA in the United States.