Volume 9 1948~1951

Doc No.

No. 76 NAI DFA/5/305/57/66

Dearg code telegram from Frederick H. Boland to the Irish Legation, Washington DC
(No. 216)

Dublin, 14 June 1948

It is important to keep up pressure on loan grant issue. Diagrams asked for by Bruce have been completed and will reach you in five or six days. Please call on Hoffman, tell him this, and ask him had he any news regarding next quarter's allocation. You should leave with him short aide-mémoire as follows:

While appreciating difficulties created by the vote in the House of Representatives,1 Mr. MacBride is particularly anxious to have details of grants to be allotted to Ireland for next quarter as soon as ever it is possible to furnish them. For obvious reasons, it is difficult for him to seek Parliamentary approval of Paris Convention and bilateral agreement in absence of this information, and, as 3rd July is the latest date for formal conclusion of the latter, the time available for the necessary Parliamentary consultation is now becoming very short. Even if no formal decision has yet been reached on next quarter's allocations, Mr. MacBride would be glad to have any indications on the subject which can be given at this stage.

Please follow similar procedure in case of Hickerson of State Department.

1 The United States House of Representatives voted in favour of the Marshall Plan on 31 March 1948.