Volume 9 1948~1951

Doc No.

No. 134 NAI TSCH/3/S1646/4A

Minute from Maurice Moynihan to Valentin Iremonger (Dublin)

Dublin, 10 September 1948

With reference to my minute of today's date conveying a decision taken by the Government on the 9th instant,1 authorising the preparation of a draft Bill repealing the Executive Authority (External Relations) Act, 1936 and providing for the exercise by the President of certain powers and functions, I am to request that, when the draft Bill is available, you will arrange to consult this Department and the Department of Finance in accordance with the Cabinet Procedure Instructions relating to legislation (Circular S.12113L.), prior to submitting the draft to the Government. In accordance with the established practice, this Department will, on receipt of the draft, ascertain the views of the Secretary to the President in the matter.