Volume 9 1948~1951

Doc No.

No. 86 DDA/AB8/B/XVIII/50/24

Handwritten letter from Joseph P. Walshe to Archbishop John Charles McQuaid (Dublin)

Holy See, 23 June 1948

My dear Archbishop,
I am a little late in acknowledging your kind letter. Mr. de Valera was here, Gedda was away for a few days and I had to get the money from the Bank.

The method worked perfectly - I received notice from the Banco di Roma on the 14th, cashed on the 16th and left the money in his office for Gedda. He is writing to you today to acknowledge - and to thank Your Grace. For £112-10-0 I received L218,500 that is, at the rate of 1938 lire to the pound. It was such an immense relief not to have to deal with the Opera di [one word illegible] or the Segretaria di Stato.

I enclose a medal which Gedda has had struck for the particularly distinguished helpers of the Comitato Civico. He asked me to forward it to Your Grace.

I also enclose the review which has been inaugurated to serve as a - trait d'Union - between the different Committees. I hope something will be done about a specific International Organisation. The attack of Communism has only begun.

I beg to remain, My dear Archbishop, with great respect and esteem

Yours very sincerely and gratefully
J.P. Walshe