Volume 9 1948~1951

Doc No.

No. 119 DDA/AB8/B/XVII/52/50

Letter from Seán MacBride to Archbishop John Charles McQuaid (Dublin)

Dublin, 31 August 1948

My dear Lord Archbishop,
I should like to again thank Your Grace for the kindly help and advice which Your Grace extended to me during the last few days in connection with the funeral of His Excellency Most Rev. Dr. Paschal Robinson R.I.P.

He was the first Apostolic Nuncio accredited to this State; this, apart from any other difficulties, filled me [with] anxiety. Your Grace's advice and help relieved me of much of this anxiety and made my task easy.1

I should deem it a favour that Your Grace should not trouble to acknowledge this note of thanks.

I remain my dear Lord Archbishop
Your respectful and sincere Servant
Seán MacBride

1 It is possible that here MacBride is referring to the decision to accord the Papal Nuncio a State funeral.