Volume 9 1948~1951

Doc No.

No. 32 NAI DFA/5/305/57/1A

Letter from Seán MacBride to George Marshall (Washington DC)

Dublin, 5 April 1948

Only too often in the past have the resources and the wealth of the Nations been used for destructive purposes. By, now, making available its wealth and resources to the Nations of Europe for constructive purposes and for the economic betterment of the people of Europe, the American Government and people have set a new headline to humanity. It will renew hopes, strengthen resolves and lend the encouragement of fresh incentive to the efforts of the Nations to attain those standards of welfare so essential to the preservation of peace and democratic freedom.

On the occasion of the coming into operation of the Economic Co-Operation Act, therefore, I wish to express to you, Mr. Secretary of State, the feelings of profound admiration and gratitude with which Ireland hails this act of constructive world statesmanship.

In paying this tribute to the American people, we wish to assure them that Ireland will co-operate to her utmost in the Economic Recovery Plan, believing that the success of the Plan will assure for the Irish people a mode of life based on the ideals of Christianity, liberty and peace.