Volume 9 1948~1951

Doc No.

No. 26 DDA/AB8/B/XVIII/52/49/1/1

Letter from Seán MacBride to Archbishop Joseph Walsh (Tuam)

Dublin, 24 March 1948

My dear Archbishop,
I take the liberty of sending to Your Grace copy of a message sent by the GEDDA organisation in Italy to American Catholics. This message was cabled to me by our Ambassador to the Holy See, together with the following observation:-

'I earnestly urge text of message should be given to Archbishops for communication to their colleagues as motive for immediate Irish Catholic help. The message could be given to Press if it is considered advisable.'

As regards the last sentence of the Ambassador's message, I thought that, having regard to the fact that the appeal was directed primarily to American Catholics, no useful purpose would be served by publishing it in the Press here.

Should Your Grace consider that I can be of any assistance in the matter, I shall be entirely at Your Grace's disposal.

I beg to remain, my dear Archbishop, with great respect and esteem,

Yours very sincerely,
Seán MacBride