Volume 9 1948~1951

Doc No.

No. 168 NAI DFA Holy See Embassy 14/41

Letter from Helmut Clissmann to Joseph P. Walshe (Holy See)

Sligo, 19 October 1948

Dear Ambassador,
Please forgive me for not informing you earlier of my happy arrival in Ireland. The lively spirits of four healthy children with a new victim in their clutches have left me so far no time for serious pursuits.

The arrangements at Ciampino worked as we had hoped and as there was no passport control whatever at Geneva or Paris the journey was happily, entirely uneventful. The family was at Shannon airport to meet me and I was delighted to find that the children had thrived so well on the Irish air and food. Maeve and Billy Ryan came in their new car at the weekend to welcome me and I have been delighted also with the hearty welcome from so many old friends. Altogether, I think you can imagine how very happy I am to have returned safely to my second home-land.

Your kindly reception and your prompt assistance have moved me so deeply and have been of so much value to me that I find it difficult to express my gratitude adequately. My journey was so risky that I would not have undertaken it if there had been any possibility of returning in a more correct manner. But as things stood, had I not been able to call on your assistance my family and I would have had to reckon with two or three more years of uncertainty and anxiety.

My father in law and Budge join me in thanking you most sincerely for the trouble to which you went on mine and their behalf. They send you their friendly regards and very best wishes. Perhaps we may have the pleasure in seeing you on your next visit to Ireland.

With renewed thanks, I am,
Yours most sincerely,
Helmut Clissmann