Volume 9 1948~1951

Doc No.

No. 164 NAI TSCH/2/2/10

Extract from the minutes of a meeting of the Cabinet
'Schedule B'
(GC 5/38) (Item 2) (S14387)

Dublin, 11 October 1948

The Irish Government notes with appreciation the desire of the British Government to discuss the legal difficulties if any, which may result from the repeal of the External Relations Act and will gladly discuss these with the British Government. As it is suggested that such repeal may affect the relations of Ireland with the countries of the Commonwealth, it occurs to the Irish Government that it might be more appropriate if representatives of the Commonwealth Governments were invited to these discussions.

As has been repeatedly stated, it is the special desire of the Irish Government to take all possible steps to ensure the development of friendlier relations between our two countries as well as with the nations that form the Commonwealth. The Irish government is, on its part, anxious to continue exchange of trade preference and citizenship rights and feels that there should be no insuperable difficulties in doing this, provided that the British Government and the Commonwealth Governments also share this desire; the view of the Irish Government is that its relationship with the Commonwealth should be based on an exchange of rights of the kind referred to, rather than on forms implying dependence or limitation of sovereignty.

While the Irish government will thus be glad to discuss the questions involved, either with the British Government or with the British and other Commonwealth Governments, as may be preferred, it feels that it should make it clear, in order to avoid any risk of misunderstanding, that its decision to repeal the External Relations Act is not open to revision or modification.