Volume 9 1948~1951

Doc No.

No. 163 NAI TSCH/2/2/10

Extract from the minutes of a meeting of the Cabinet 'Schedule A'
(GC 5/38) (Item 2) (S14387)1

Dublin, 11 October 1948

The probable effect of the repeal of the External Relations Act is being urgently considered in London. If the legal effect of the repeal of the Act is held to be, as may well be the case, that Éire becomes a foreign country in relation to the other countries of the Commonwealth, there would flow from that relationship important consequences particularly in the field of preferences and nationality. In both of these matters the United Kingdom have international treaty obligations under which they are bound to give most-favoured-nation treatment to a number of foreign countries which would preclude us from according to Éire that special treatment which on other grounds we would wish to accord her. For this reason we think it very desirable that there should be an opportunity for the Éire Government and us to discuss the questions that arise before the Éire Government take a step which may bring these results. We for our part would be very ready to discuss the matters in this way.

1 Marginal note on copy in TSCH/3/S 14387: 'Handed to the Taoiseach at Government Buildings by Lord Rugby Thursday 7th October 1948, P[atrick] L[ynch] 8/10/48'.