Volume 9 1948~1951

Doc No.

No. 117 NAI TSCH/2/2/10

Extract from the minutes of a meeting of the Cabinet 'Alleviation of distress abroad: Request from the United Nations' Mediator for Palestine'
(GC 5/33) (Item 2) (S13373B)

Dublin, 25 August 1948

Following consideration of a telegram dated the 17th August, 1948,1 received by the Minister for External Affairs from Count Folke Bernadotte,2 the Mediator for Palestine of the United Nations Organisation, requesting a donation of two hundred tons of potatoes for the alleviation of distress among Arab and Jewish refugees, it was decided that immediate steps should be taken for the shipment of two hundred tons of potatoes, in response to the Mediator's request, and that the expenditure involved should be defrayed out of State funds.

1 Not printed.

2 Folke Bernadotte, Count of Wisborg (1895-1948), Swedish diplomat, UN Security Council mediator in the Arab-Israeli conflict of 1947-8.