Volume 8 1945~1948

Doc No.

No. 412 NAI DT S14134D

Irish delegation to Anglo-Irish Trade and Sterling Area Talks
Meeting to discuss talks, tactics and overall strategy

London, 22 September 1947

A meeting of the Irish delegation was held in the Office of the High Commissioner this morning to consider the line to be taken at the discussion with representatives of British Departments. Mr. McElligott presided.

The directives in the notes of the Ministerial discussions were examined and the tactical line to be adopted was considered.

A brief prepared for Mr. McElligott was read and discussed. The gist of it was that British price policy was killing the Irish cattle export trade with Great Britain, and likewise the egg export trade, and further that our reasonable requirements of fertilisers, animal feeding stuffs and agricultural machinery were not being provided from Great Britain which was our traditional supplier. It was agreed that, so far as coal, petrol and industrial raw materials are concerned, the briefs which had been prepared for the Government by the Department of Industry and Commerce would be used, subject to the reservation about 'cuts' decided at the meeting with the Taoiseach and Ministers on the 19th September.