Volume 7 1941~1945

Doc No.

No. 385  NAI DFA Berlin Embassy 18/2

Code telegram from the Department of External Affairs to Con Cremin (Berlin)
(No. 52)

DUBLIN, 11 March 1944

Better inform Foreign Office in sense of my telegram 501 pointing out in appropriate language that present difficulty is consequence of recent culpable foolish parachute ventures and their other infringements of our sovereignty and neutrality. We are satisfied that blame for these lie with authorities concerned in Berlin rather than with Legation here. Government has not slightest intention of departing from attitude stated in reply to United States note but you should be sure to impress on German authorities in firmest and most explicit language that any repetition of such acts on their part must have most serious consequences the responsibility for which will be entirely theirs.

For your background most probable object of American démarche is to prepare scapegoat for possible heavy casualties in forthcoming operations. Likelihood of military action against this country may be completely discounted according to reports. Confirm by telegram receipt of this and preceding telegram and cable report of conversation with Foreign Office.

1 Not printed.