Volume 7 1941~1945

Doc No.

No. 117  NAI DFA 217/52

Personal code telegram from Joseph P. Walshe to Thomas J. Kiernan (Holy See)
(No. 47)

DUBLIN, 13 August 1941

You should see Cardinal Secretary of State again and explain no analogy real or intended with Berlin position. The Government do not wish to use the King during the war as it associates us too closely with a belligerent and makes our neutral position still more delicate. We have legal power to accredit Minister without using King but do not wish to use it for fear of troubling our friendly relations with Britain. Appointment of a Chargé d'Affaires with the personal title of Minister Plenipotentiary would be purely provisional expedient to meet awkward situation. You should make every effort to persuade Secretary of State to agree to procedure. Please act and reply as quickly as possible.