Volume 6 1939~1941

Doc No.

No. 392 NAI DFA Secretary's Files P14

Code telegram from Colman O'Donovan to Joseph P. Walshe (Dublin)
(No. 2) (Personal)

Holy See, 9 January 1941

The following headings long article 'Giornale d'Italia' yesterday: 'Under British Yoke – Ireland Awaits Movement of Redemption – Eminent Irish Prelate Speaks to 'Giornale d'Italia' about Martyrdom of his Country during Eight Centuries of Slavery'.

I know privately that interview was given by Rector of Irish College,1 and I am today endeavouring to have some ecclesiastical restraint put on him at this end. I have many times warned the Rector that, if he felt that he must play a part in our international affairs, he should base himself on the public statements of Taoiseach, but he is recognised to be a man of intelligence and rabidly anti-British.

I suggest someone in authority over him at home be informed and urged to warn him to attend to his own business.

The following is text of concluding paragraph of interview:-

'If England attacks our neutrality in any way, at that very moment will break out most atrocious civil war. We may even be starved, as they try to do, but national sentiment will triumph over everything and general up-rising of spirit will put an end to centuries-old iniquity.'

The Minister at Quirinal wishes to be associated with this démarche. The Irish College is alone in its attitude and interview is deplored by other Irish institutions.

1 Mgr Denis McDaid, Rector of the Irish College in Rome (1939-51).