Volume 6 1939~1941

Doc No.

No. 385 NAI DFA Madrid Embassy 34/1A

Letter from Seán Murphy to Leopold H. Kerney (Madrid)
(P2/112) (P1/9(1))

Vichy, 6 January 1941

I have the honour to refer to your letter M34/1A of the 17th ult.1 in which you were so good as to transmit me certain information received from the British Vice-Consul in San Sebastian concerning the treatment of Irish citizens in German occupied territory. This information is in general incorrect in so far as concerns occupied France, in that holders of Irish passports are generally speaking not interned. It is a fact that, at first, some holders of Irish passports were interned but in every case which came to our notice, the person concerned was released on our making representations to the German authorities. It is probable that a number of citizens who hold British passports have been interned and it is certain that there is a large number of Irish persons, capable of acquiring citizenship by registration, in concentration camps. The German authorities have, however, agreed that in all cases where an internee was born in Ireland and where we are prepared to issue a passport (pending registration), release will be effected. They are more reserved in regard to persons claiming citizenship on the basis of the birth of a parent in Ireland. Their practice, however, seems liable to variation depending on the official looking after these matters, and it is possible that as a result of recent changes in their staff, persons born in Ireland and holding British passports, but who only left Ireland after 1923 (i.e. at a time when they could have obtained Irish passports) will not be released.

[signed] Seán Murphy

1 Not printed.