Volume 6 1939~1941

Doc No.

No. 127 NAI DFA Secretary's Files A20/3

Letter from Joseph P. Walshe to Juan Garcia Ontiveros (Dublin)

Dublin, 23 February 1940

Dear Señor Ontiveros,1

We understand from Mr. Kerney that the possibility of releasing all foreign prisoners other than criminals is now under examination by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Madrid. We are hopeful, therefore, that the case of Mr. Frank Ryan, against whom no criminal charge was made, will shortly be reviewed. It appears, however, that Mr. Kerney is somewhat apprehensive that his persistent representations for the release of Mr. Ryan are regarded in official circles in Spain as being inspired by motives of personal friendship rather than by instructions from the Irish Government. Mr. de Valera would accordingly be very grateful if you would be good enough to take an early opportunity of emphasising to your Government that in all his efforts on Mr. Ryan's behalf Mr. Kerney has acted and continues to act with the full approval and authority of the Irish Government.

Yours sincerely,
[stamped] (signed) J.P. Walshe

1 See No. 113.