Volume 6 1939~1941

Doc No.

No. 92 NAI DFA 219/49

Code telegram from Joseph P. Walshe to John J. Hearne (Ottawa)
(No. 26) (Copy)

Dublin, 13 December 1939

Your report 14/12.1 Agree that best line about neutrality say nothing about it and assume needs no apology from you. Its maintenance is vital for us. Is the most important proof the people have had of reality of our status. My letter twenty-ninth November deals with it at length. Agree completely your line cultural and social talks especially Ireland's past and what she is trying in present. Will send you material sometimes but rely on you to make use of local sources. Kenny has very good Irish library. You could keep off politics altogether and talk exclusively history, race, Irish pagan and Christian monuments, revival of language, its literary past, relation with other languages, methods used in revival. Anglo-Irish literature, writers of Irish-Canadian origin etc. Your personal letter received yesterday.2

1 See No. 68.

2 Not located.