Volume 5 1936~1939

Doc No.

No. 119 NAI DT S10336

Letter from Joseph P. Walshe to Maurice Moynihan (Dublin)

Dublin, 11 January 1938

RELATIONS WITH GREAT BRITAIN: Suggested Governmental Conference

With reference to your minute (S.10336) of the 10th instant, I attach herewith a suggested reply to Deputy Norton's question1. If the Deputy presses the point about consulting with the Dáil beforehand in relation to revocation of duties, it might be better to let the Minister for Industry and Commerce or the Minister for Finance explain the machinery for the imposition and revocation of duties. The really important point, as far as the Minister for External Affairs is concerned, is that the Government's position in relation to the making of agreements with foreign countries without prior consultation with the Dáil should not be compromised.

[signed] J.P. Walshe

1 Not printed.