Volume 5 1936~1939

Doc No.

No. 118 NAI DT S10389A

Extract from the minutes of a meeting of the Cabinet
(G.C. 1/2) (Item 5)

Dublin, 7 January 1938

RELATIONS WITH GREAT BRITAIN: Suggested Governmental Conference

The Taoiseach adverted to a report which he had previously made with reference to the reply which had been received from the British Government arising out of the decision taken at the meeting of the Cabinet held on the 23rd November last1, approving of the issue of a despatch to that Government proposing an early conference between members of the two Governments2. Approval was given for the sending of a delegation consisting of the Taoiseach, the Minister for Industry and Commerce, the Minister for Finance and the Minister for Agriculture, to a conference to be held in London on Monday, 17th January, 1938, for the purpose of discussing the various outstanding questions at issue between the two countries. It was decided that any agreement which might be reached by the representatives of the Irish Government would be subject to the approval of the Government as a whole.