Volume 3 1926~1932

Doc No.

No. 589 NAI DFA 7/73

Handwritten note on Irish-United States trade by Joseph P. Walshe to Seán Murphy (Dublin) and handwritten reply by Murphy

Dublin, 6 November 1931

Assist. Secretary

Please give me a note on the present position of the negotiations for a Treaty with the United States.


I discussed this matter with Ferguson of Industry and Commerce1 and he told me that they brought up the question to the Minister last year. In view of the fact that there appears to be no chance of our getting any concession for Irish goods the Minister decided to let the matter rest. The best we can hope for from the U.S.A. is most-favoured nation treatment. The Minister is apparently of opinion that our failure to get some definite concession would have a bad effect. Ferguson said he would bring up the question again. In the meanwhile it might be well to forget Denby's query.

SM 9.12.31

Seen by Secretary. He agrees that no reply should be sent to Mr Denby for the present.

S.G.M.2 10/12

1 Robert C. Ferguson, Department of Industry and Commerce.

2 Sheila G. Murphy, Private Secretary to Joseph P. Walshe (1926-46), afterwards First Secretary and Counsellor at the Irish Embassy, Paris, and Assistant Secretary at headquarters with responsibility for international organisations. One of Ireland's few female diplomats until 1947 when the first female Third Secretaries were recruited.