Volume 3 1926~1932

Doc No.

No. 372 NAI DFA 26/95

Memorandum from Seán Lester to Joseph P. Walshe (Dublin)

Geneva, 15 May 1930

Saorstát's candidature for the Council

Mr Phelan came to see me last night. He has been away from Geneva so much lately that I have not seen him for several months. He told me that on his return from Paris he was invited to luncheon about Wednesday last by Mr Ziliacus, a member of the Information Section, ostensibly to meet Princess Radziwill but in reality to discuss the Council election. Mr Phelan tells me that he wrote a long report of the conversation to the Minister,1 not being aware that I had first informed you of the Chinese development on the 4th February.2

The approach to Mr Phelan is interesting. I take it that Drummond, having failed to make any impression through the direct channel, and knowing that Mr Phelan is a man of influence with the Government, is merely using another means of approach to the Minister.

I believe I am acting in accordance with your wishes when I at regular intervals take Mr Phelan completely into my confidence regarding our League affairs. He of course reciprocates and he told me at length of his conversation with Ziliacus. You may wish however to send a copy of his record of the conversation for additional observations. I heartily concur in his suggestion that the Minister in his capacity as Minister for Industry and Commerce should come to the Labour Conference for a few days. I could arrange a series of interviews which would be of great help in making a preliminary estimate of our prospects and would give him a first-hand knowledge of the situation here. The meeting of the Conference would be excellent cover. I know the Dáil will still be sitting on 10th June but the Minister could be back in about a week or ten days.

[signed] Seán Lester

1 Not located.

2 See No. 334.